To specify whether InstallShield should create multi-part .cab files and—if appropriate—specify the maximum .cab file size:
1. Close InstallShield.
2. Find the Settings.xml file that is installed with InstallShield. Settings.xml is installed in one of the following locations, depending on which language version of InstallShield you are using:
English--InstallShield Program Files FolderSupport0409
Japanese--InstallShield Program Files FolderSupport0411
3. Create a back-up copy of the Settings.xml, in case you later need to revert to the original version.
4. Use a text editor or XML file editor to open the Settings.xml file.
5. Search for the <CompressedNetworkCABSize> element. It looks something like this:
<CompressedNetworkCABSize default='600'/>
6. Do one of the following:
To specify the maximum size for .cab files, type the size in MB as the value of the default attribute. In the aforementioned example, the maximum size is 600. The value should be 2048 or less, since the maximum size of a .cab file is 2 GB (2048 MB).
The default value is 600.
If you do not want InstallShield to create multi-part .cab files, set the value of the default attribute to -1.
7. Save the Settings.xml file.

Installshield Cabinet File Viewer

8. Ensure that your XML code is well formed; if it is not well formed, you may have problems using InstallShield. In most cases, you can identify improperly formed XML code by opening the Settings.xml file in Internet Explorer. You should be able to expand and contract the major elements of the file; if you cannot, check the code for errors.
Whenever you build a compressed SingleImage release for one of the applicable project types, InstallShield creates the .cab files according to the requirement that you configured in the Settings.xml file. Depending on the value that you specified in the Settings.xml file, the Media table of the .msi package lists one or more .cab files.

See Also

InstallShield 2014 Express Edition Help Library

May 2014

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